Charity awareness and social responsibility

Charity awareness is very important. People who have sufficient wealth need to think of people who cannot make ends meet. People who believe in charity always give a helping hand to the needy. Such people generally form associations or charity trusts. One such charity trust is the Bonita Trust, which was founded in the year 2004. This trust is an independent philanthropic trust and conforms to the Gibraltar law. The founder of the Bonita Trust was Ruth Parasol DeLeon.The focus of the Bonita Trust is mainly on improving the quality of living of the under privileged class. It also aims at solving major problems in countries, such as India, the UK, Gibraltar, and Israel.

Solving poverty problems is one thing and creating Charity Awareness is another. But both of them are interrelated. When there is charity awareness, people understand the problems of the poor people and a sense of responsibility is created. It can be difficult to inculcate charity awareness in people who have greed and lust, but charity group members would do their best to change the way people think.

The Bonita Trust has made several contributions, especially in the areas of health and education. For its efforts towards the protection of the Gibraltar’s heritage, the Bonita Trust has been rightfully awarded. Bonita Trust helps to deal with several health and education challenges faced by the poor people. This trust uses innovative tools and latest technologies to keep them closer to the masses.Bonita Trust supports the Future Leaders In Philanthropy (FLIP) project to mentor and guide teenagers to get a real insight into philanthropy and charity funds management. The Bonita Trust spreads charity awareness and social alertness amongst the teenagers of Gibraltar.

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